Going to university is undoubtedly one of the best periods of life. Therefore, if the opportunity arises, we recommend that you do not miss it and that you avoid the wrong decisions. On the contrary, you should worry about leading a suitable lifestyle to enjoy the stage to the fullest. With this in mind, today we want to give you tips for college that will help you make the most of the experience.
5 Essential University Tips
If we go into detail, the list of tips for college can be made up of dozens of points. But we have preferred to focus on five sections due to their importance, which in turn could host many other recommendations. These are questions that you will define and adapt in your day to day as a student.
1. Classes and fun: balance the scale
Let’s be honest. The university student has a permanent internal dilemma: study or procrastinate. Except for subjects that are compulsory or that are really exciting for you, you will probably find yourself faced with this dichotomy. The true maturity is in finding the middle ground, the balance between studying and having fun. Living only between the class and the library can be excessive if done from minute 1 of the race.
2. In exams: Study mode ON
Spending a semester in glory and cloistered during exam time is not a solution either. However, you must know how to put the brakes when the key moments of the race arrive, that is, the evaluations. That’s when you have to give it your all and be 100%. So, it’s time to turn Studio mode ON and turn Party Mode OFF. But it is also not advisable to forget about Stand By: you should look for the relaxation and de-stress times necessary for your study time to be productive.
3. Get to know your area
It is true that Google gives us everything already done: which bus to take each time, which places are open at that moment, etc. But one of the best tips for college is to know your area by heart, as it will help you better plan your day to day. Therefore, from the moment you settle into your new home (or even before), you should know such important details for your daily life such as:
- Nearby means of transport and all the relative information: hours, opening, closing, price, combinations …
- Nearby supermarkets, with their hours, closing days, etc.
- Pharmacies in the surroundings
- Useful places for the study: libraries, reprographic shops, etc
4. Residence, better than a shared flat
As we already mentioned in our post about student accommodation in Madrid, choosing between a residence hall or a shared apartment depends on many factors, and each one has its pros and cons. But if you can decide between the two options, we recommend staying in student residences, such as those that Collegiate AC has in Madrid and Valencia. For the comfort of its services, for the environment that is lived in, because it eliminates the uncertainty that surrounds a shared apartment, and so on.
5. Unity is strength… and savings
Finally, another tip for college is to join forces with your friends or colleagues for certain services that, when shared, are safer and cheaper. For example, a taxi or an Uber between 4 to share expenses and arrive accompanied at night. Or an online purchase among several to save shipping and preparation costs. Or even create a common user in an eCommerce for students with which to accumulate benefits … And if there is a lot of confidence, you can even share class assignments, such as cleaning up certain topics from the notes, taking turns ordering photocopies in reprography, etc.
We hope that these tips for college are really useful for your stage and you can make the most of this opportunity, having a great time with your new friends, enjoying the feeling of independence and enriching yourself with new knowledge.